For Kevin, every day at CVS is ’my most excellent day’

Kevin Kan, a store associate with a disability and a graduate of our Workforce Initiatives Abilities program, is loved by customers and co-workers.

Kevin loves being a greeter and helping in the express check out area at his Manhattan CVS Pharmacy store. In bustling New York City, his warm smile and willingness to help go a long way to make customers feel welcome.

A graduate of the CVS Health Workforce Initiatives Abilities program, Kevin has been with the company for nearly 10 years.

“Everyone deserves a chance. And for people with disabilities who often don’t have the hand up that they need towards employment, our team is a solution,” says Rick Laferriere, lead director, Workforce Initiatives.

This Disability Pride Month, we thank you, Kevin, for reminding us about the power of a broad smile and a kind heart.

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