Meet CVS Health Team Member

Marquesha Atkism

Manager of Account Management Senior Living

Why did you apply at CVS Health?
I wanted to change career paths and was referred to Omnicare by another employee, due to my interest in health care. I began as a staging technician and quickly realized there was opportunity to grow within the company.

What is the most exciting part of working for CVS Health?
The most exciting part of working for CVS Health is the opportunity to learn and grow within the company. CVS Health’s culture makes staying with the company easy and ideal.

What do you tell your friends and family about working at CVS Health?

I mostly share that the CVS Health culture is to take care of not only the customers but also the employees.

Describe your typical day at work at CVS Health.

Being a remote manager, my day is never typical. It is different daily.

What are your career goals?

My career goals include solidifying a long-term position that involves my passion of mentoring, training and helping people. I find that in all I have done at Omnicare, the most rewarding has been guiding colleagues on a successful path. Most often this involves a management position and the ability to lead within this type of career. I am learning that there are so many other opportunities within the company that involve mentoring colleagues that do not fall under the management category. I hope to find my niche in this regard within the next 2-3 years. After that, my goal is to build on the position further by utilizing all of my long-term care knowledge.

What does “lead with heart” mean to you?

When I hear “lead with heart”, it means allowing my ability to relate and build relationships to lead the way in how I service my customers. In all that I do with Omnicare, I always always always take a step back and place myself into the customers position. How would I feel? What would I want? What would I be looking for in LTC? By doing so, it allows me to “lead with heart”. It allows me to put the customer first.

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