Matt D. Headshot

Meet CVS Health Team Member

Matt DeSilva

Manager of Real Estate and Acquisitions
Woonsocket, RI

Why did you apply at CVS Health?
I was originally going to school to be a pharmacist, so I figured getting some store level experience before college was a great start. When I ended up graduating with an economics degree instead, it was great to have that experience because it led to many more opportunities within the company. I liked that CVS Health is a big company with experience in different areas of health care, but also that going to your local CVS Pharmacy felt like they truly care about you.

What is the most exciting part of working for CVS Health?
There are so many different and interesting roles within the company. Having store-level experience is a huge benefit, speaking as someone who’s been in the front lines and lived the role of a pharmacy team member first hand. Every day can be different for you and you often have the ability to take on projects that you’re interested in that will help drive value or efficiency for the company. We have the ability to impact so many lives for the better, which might not be the same at other companies.

What do you tell your friends and family about working at CVS Health?

People don’t tend to realize that CVS Health as a whole has a TON of different jobs available. From logistics to merchandising, marketing to digital, legal to construction, the list really is never ending. CVS Health does a phenomenal job with allowing you to focus on professional development, offering many colleague resource groups to build your network and learn new skills.

What is unique or exciting about working in retail?

Every day is different. Honestly, there is not often a bland or boring day as you never know who is going to come in and how you can assist them with helping them on their path to better health. There are so many rewarding experiences in this type of retail that help put a smile on your face and make it all worth it.

Describe your typical day at work at CVS Health.

My team handles the approvals for new, soon-tobe built CVS Pharmacy locations, and the strategy around conversions for any competitor pharmacies that potentially have to close (since those records have to go somewhere and our main focus is minimizing disruption for those displaced patients). Every day poses a different and unique challenge, and my career path has given me the ability to analyze the opportunity, provide effective feedback, and develop a game plan to drive patient experience in both new/existing locations for patients that may or may not have had a previous experience with CVS Pharmacy.

Why should someone consider working in retail?

Even if you don’t have existing retail or pharmacy experience, CVS Health is always willing to provide the training and experience to make you a great performer. Every day you interact with someone’s parent/grandparent/child/friend, and can help ensure they are getting top level care that you would provide if they were your family. If you want additional opportunity, CVS Health has a broad range of opportunities available to you and retail is a perfect start.

What are your career goals?

Coming from working in my local pharmacy, I never thought I would be the Manager of Real Estate and Acquisitions. Honestly, I didn’t know that even existed. Now I know that I have the opportunity to continue climbing and could one day oversee an entire department. There are so many different opportunities available, and my career goals focus on my own professional development, as well as taking on new challenges. I’m ready for that next role in my career evolution. Who knows where that’ll take me, but that is what’s exciting. My career could go in several different directions if I want it to.

What does “lead with heart” mean to you?

To me, it means to me that you always make the right decision for the well being of each and every one of your customers. If you approach your customer like they’re your family, you can really make a positive impact in their life.

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