Meet CVS Health Team Member

Shelly Morris

Back End Pharmacy Manager

Why did you apply at CVS Health?

I was a new graduate of pharmacy technician school and excited to get into the field. I was excited to learn about the fast-paced opportunity and large volume of people I could help.

What is the most exciting part of working for CVS Health?
I enjoy helping people grow and working with the nurses who help the elderly, sick, and rehabilitation patients. It truly makes me appreciate every day knowing that someone relies on my ability and the staff that I manage. In addition, managing the large quantity of prescriptions we ship daily is a challenge I enjoy!

What do you tell your friends and family about working at CVS Health?

I tell my friends and family not only do I have the pleasure of working with over 150 internal employees, I have the opportunity to manage over 100k prescriptions that are shipped monthly. I take great pride in our success here. I also like to talk about the technology and the automation piece of my role. We have two robotic machines I manage.

Describe your typical day at work at CVS Health.

No day is typical in long-term care. Each day brings new challenges and excitement. However I like to walk in with a smile and say good to all. Start the day out fresh and with a hopeful outlook. We have 5 deliveries out of the pharmacy I manage, and I take great pride in ensuring we meet the delivery expectations of the customers, residents and nurses. I train the staff on product knowledge and in-person customer interactions, and also encourage them to take pride in their work. I get into the trenches with my staff daily and work through challenges as they arise. Our daily RX count is about 3,000 plus a day. So a day in LTC is go go go!

What are your career goals?

My career goals are to continue to grow with the LTC side of CVS Health. I would like to learn many areas within the pharmacy, including the front end, and hope to be a general manager one day. I enjoy helping, teaching and experiencing how much more there is to learn here. I truly learn something new every day here!

What does “lead with heart” mean to you?

It means practice what you preach and think, if it was your mother we are servicing, how would you want her treated and her medication received. Care about what you do and love what you do!

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